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USA Sewing Consultants

Apparel or sewn product development and manufacture re-shoring

Why consult with Sewing Incubator?

Are you tired of browsing through blogs that don't give you clear answers?
We have helped many entrepreneurs who don't have a manufacture background avoid costly mistakes with a consultation

Our “brutally honest” approach may not be for everyone, but our consultations are always based on objective solutions intended to empower entrepreneurs to remain in control of the direction of their business

The main advantage of Sewing Incubator consultation is that our team has decades of experience  with practical problem solving for small businesses along with access to every technology, machine and resource available at our locations

Areas of Consultation

Apparel and other specialty Product Development
Technical Design and wearable technology implementation
CAD and traditional Pattern Making for sewn products
Sample making and product prototypes
Pre Production (including Marking and Grading)
Apparel and Product Manufacture (Made in USA)
Re shoring development and manufacture (from imports to USA) and import product management
CAD-CAM Technology upgrade and implementation

What situation is a consultation best for?

Product Development

* How to communicate design details efficiently?
* When are product costs finalized?
* What materials are most suitable for product purpose?
Technical Design

* What information should technical flats include?
* How to determine construction for each product?
* Are all the machines required for construction readily available?
Pattern Making

* What base size represents your target customer?
* Which is the best pattern making method for each product?
* How are pattern adjustments determined and applied?
Sample Prototyping

* What type of samples are required?
* How many samples will it take to get to final approval?
* What type of machines are available for samples?
Pre Production

* How many sizes should a brand offer?
* When is the best time to finalize production plan?
* What grading rules should a new brand be using?
Product Manufacture

* What type of finishing should be done before assembly?
* How are production delays avoided?
* Why are some materials more expensive to cut and sew?
Re shoring Made in USA

* What are the hidden savings of re shoring?
* Why is Made in USA better for some brands than others?
* How to prepare for re shoring?
CAD - CAM Technology

* How to implement CAD - CAM without too much disruption?
* When is a business ready for CAD - CAM upgrade?
* What CAD - CAM offers the most savings for my business?


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Select time during regular business hours M - F 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM (PST)
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